Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Something terrible, yet delicious

As my loyal readers know, The Great Wiki Karmel is quite a fan of sweets. My favorite being just a plain Hershey's Bar (the half pound variety, which goes down in less than 10 minutes). Well this morning when I got to work, I was delivered a little surprise (surprise because I forgot I ordered them): Girl Scout Cookies.

I am partial to the Samoas- they are delectable. Thin Mints are the number one selling Girl Scout Cookie according to Wikipedia (which is infallible). It is the official position of the Great Wiki Karmel that mint is disgusting (among other things, such as anything that comes from the sea- another entry for another day). Long live the Somoas (which, by the way, is the only individual cookie to have its own page- take that Thin Mints!)!

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