Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Fact. Bears eat beets.

Question: What is the only state capital named after a Vice President.

Answer: False. Black bears.

But seriously. The BOTU posed this question to me earlier today (it was a Jeopardy final question).

My first thought was Jackson(1), MS (which coincidentally was the BOTU's first thought as well).

Then I thought Montgomery(2), AL.

Consulting Wikipedia, I came across a third option: Madison(3), WI. Was he a Veep too?

Turns out both of us were wrong (the answer later).

Jackson gave us the great Fred Smoot, of dubious fame(NSFW). The first successful (?) lung transplant occurred at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. And the USA International Ballet Competition is located at the Thalia Mara Hall. Weird.

Montgomery is home to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival (too easy...(4)) and the Montgomery Biscuits. Really? The Biscuits (5)? Also, Zelda(6) (no, not that Zelda(7)) Fitzgerald(8) is from there.

Madison is home of The University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Great Wiki Karmel has never been, but apparently the Halloween Party is out of this world. The band Garbage is from Madison. I'm a fan(9). It's also a sister city to Vilnius, Lithuania, which is currently the European Capital of Culture.

So....All of those are wrong. The answer is..... (djembe roll......)

Jefferson City, MO. Raise your hand if you got that.

Of course, out of my loyal readers, only FGS (Fort Worth, TX) has his hand in the air.

(1) 7th President
(2) Continental Army General during American Revolution
(3) 4th President
(4) Haha. People from Alabama can't read! (10)
(5) Actually, the name Biscuits came from a fan contest. The owner (who must be related to Andrew Elliott, Esquire) is quite the fan of puns. "Hey, Butter, Butter, Butter" or the team's souvenir store, the "Biscuit Basket". They actually shoot biscuits at fans during games instead of t shirts.
(6) The creator of Zelda actually did name his damsel in distress after Z Fitz.
(7) A damn fine game, however. It gets two thumbs up from the Great Wiki Karmel.
(8) Thoughts on Gatsby, my loyal readers? I'm very meh.
(9) Though only of the self titled album. I didn't like 2.0.
(10)It is the official policy of the Wiki Karmel (the blog, not the person), to not mock any loyal readers. If I have offended anyone, I apologize.

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