Monday, March 26, 2007

Jeans I can return

Genes, unfortunately, I am stuck with. The Great Wiki Karmel has come to terms with heart disease. My two grandfathers both died of heart attacks and my dad had his when he was 48 (don't worry, my loyal readers- he's still going strong). So I'll probably have one. That's why I run- so I can stay in shape and hopefully put off the heart attack as long as possible (I'd like to have it when I'm 102 (17*6)). Whatever.

But now I have a new genetic enemy. Eczema. Or so I think. Perhaps I just have an extreme bout of dry skin (actually, most likely). But the official mother of Wiki Karmel has eczema, so this is naturally a concern (though I'm not much of a hypochondriac...).

This is an evolving story. I'll keep you updated. And I'd like to thank all of my loyal readers in advance for their concern.

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