Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Running Update

I ran 8 miles over the weekend. 4.5 on Saturday and a disappointing 3.5 on Sunday. Why disappointing, my loyal readers? Well, I had been planning on making Sunday my long run day (I am running significantly longer on one day each week, as dictated by my training schedule). But I think Monday would be a better long run day since I have a weekly happy hour on Tuesday and don't run. My body, especially my feet, needs the day off...

As it was, yesterday was my long run day. The Great Wiki Karmel ran 7.06 miles in one hour.

1 comment:

G Wolf said...

That's a pretty nice distance for an hour. When are you going to start referring to yourself with an acronym like you do everyone else? Is TGWK already taken by someone else?