Thursday, March 22, 2007

Just Because

I really don't have much to say on this one. But USOWK and brother of USOWK are Romanian. And I like castles.

Actually, I like everything to do with medieval culture/warfare. Loyal reader FGS (Fort Worth, TX) and I were watching a show on the Discovery Channel not long ago about medieval war technology. France was known as Gaul in Roman times. A group of barbarians from West Germany, known as the Franks, invaded that area. They were name Franks because of their weapon of choice: the francisca. The francisca was an axe with an S-shaped blade. When thrown at an enemy, the axe would spin at an unpredictable angle and thus be impossible to block. Opposing armies were devastated by this advanced weapon.

The Anglo-Saxons of England: named for the seax.

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