Icahn Stadium
Curiosity obviously runs in the "family". The Unofficial Sister of Wiki Karmel (via marriage) wondered aloud for what purpose Icahn Stadium was built (grammar check anyone?) in front of the Great Wiki Karmel. Now, my loyal readers, I know I am perhaps that greatest Wikier (one who wikis) EVER (there is great debate among the experts), and that is why you all read my wiki wanderings. But the simple fact is, I dropped the ball on this one. I completely forgot to look it up (more on this later). Luckily, USOWK has my, and ya'lls (grammar check again), back.
In the article forwarded to me by USOWK, I have learned that Icahn Stadium, built in 2004, is the official outdoor stadium of the USA Track and Field Hall of Fame and is the home of many of teams in the USTAF's Elite Running Circuit. I, for one, did not know there was an Elite Running Circuit in New York, but apparently they are very "exclusive".
The New York Athletic Club, which does more than just running, had such notable members as Wellington Mara, JFK Jr., and A.P. Giannini (Bank of America founder). The clubs offers many sports, such as rowing, wrestling, fencing, boxing, tennis, squash, soccer, and handball among others. Prior to the 2000* Olympics, NYAC members had won 115 Olympic gold medals, 40 silver medals and 47 bronze medals, more than all but four nations.
Back to Icahn (don't you love tangents? Wiki Karmel does, so tough).
Carl Icahn is a billionaire financier who earned his reputation as a corporate raider during the 1985 hostile takeover of TWA. He is currently the director of Blockbuster and the chairman of Imclone. ImClone, of Martha Stewart fame, produces the drug Erbitux, which is "a chimeric monoclonal antibody given by intravenous injection for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and head and neck cancer." Erbitux is one of the most expensive drugs available, at over $17,000 per month for the average dose.
As one of the Wiki Karmel's New Year's resolutions, I will from now on try to carry a pad and pen with me at all times. This way, when someone ponders the purpose of a New York City structure in front of the Great Wiki Karmel, for example, it will be entered into said notepad and remembered until I can Wiki it.
*Editor's note: The original posting incorrectly** stated that it was the 200 Olympics. As loyal reader Royal Tanenbaum** (formerly of Eugene, Oregon) pointed out, this is a typo. There were no Olympics in 200 AD or BC. The first Olympic games were held in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. The ancient Olympics ended in 343 BC. The modern Olympics started in 1896 in Athens, Greece.
The Great Wiki Karmel makes typos every once in a while. I am sure most of my loyal readers are in awe of my amazing Wikiness, but please, come to me with suggestions or corrections. I am approachable, despite my greatness.
**Editor's Note 2: In an effort to prove that The Great Wiki Karmel can sometimes be approachable, I will correct and note mistakes in my Editor's note. 1. I originally spelled "Tanenbaum" "Tennenbaum" (the former is correct). 2. I said "uncorrectly", not "incorrectly". Mistake #1, I sincerely apologize to all former residents of Eugene, Oregon whom*** I may have offended. Mistake #2, typos happen (u is next to i on the keyboard- "uncorrectly" is almost as bad as "irregardless" in my book (actually, not almost....nothing is even close)- I would never make that mistake), USOWK....we're in a fight!
***Editor's Note 3: USOWK gave me a grammar lesson. I think my head hurts. "Whom" is correct. A temporary truce has been called.
Speaking of truces...did you know that the Germans and British called for a temporary truce on Decmeber 25, 1914 during WWI so they could observe Christmas (and Boxing Day!). The war resumed a few days later.
Speaking of Boxing Day.... well... that's for another day. Stay tuned, loyal readers....
i have the worst nickname, acronymically speaking. it's unpronounceable.
i have the worst nickname, acronymically speaking. It's unpronounceable.
USOWK may be pronounced "You Suck" or abbreviated to "Use", as in "Is there a use for USOWK?", not as in "I will use USOWK to learn grammar."
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