Monday, December 18, 2006


Like the mighty European Hedgehog, your humble Wiki Karmel has been hibernating. The European hedgehog is found throughout most of the palearctic region, except Northern Africa and areas above the arctic circle (except for part of Russia, Finland, and Sweden). The palearctic region, for those of my loyal readers who aren't up on their ecozone info, is one of the eight ecozones of the world, comprised on Europe, Northern Africa, and most of Asia (minus most of India, part of China, and all of Southeast Asia - is China SE Asia?...).

Wiki Karmel recently discovered that hedgehogs can be domesticated and make great pets (they make great pets, they make great pets). However, they are illegal in HI, CA, GA, NYC, ..., and Omaha NE?!? That just seems random to me. Entire states? Fine. NYC? I guess. But Omaha? I can't imagine there are many hedgehog enthusiasts living there. It just seems too random.

So The Great Wiki Karmel's state of inactivity and metabolic depression, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate has come to an end. Expect many more posts in the coming days/weeks/months. Hopefully from here on out, I will only go into a state of torpor once in a while.

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